Simplify the management of voice recordings in contact centers. Store and manage all your Contact Center voice recordings in one unified location, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and avoiding the need to maintain recordings in multiple systems. uPlayback makes it easier for businesses to access, analyze, and manage their voice recordings, ultimately improving their customer service and operational efficiency.

Archive and Manage Voice Recordings

Compliance Archiving

Storing voice recordings in compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards can be a complex task. These recordings contain a lot of confidential information, making it crucial for organizations to securely store and quickly access voice recordings for compliance purposes. By securely storing and accurately indexing voice recordings, uPlayback can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, while better protecting all contractual information in these records.

GDPR Compliance

uPlayback is a recording management and access tool that meticulously adheres to the stringent requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As organizations increasingly rely on digital communication, the need for compliant and secure call recording solutions has become essential. uPlayback addresses this need with its advanced features and robust security measures, as well as areas of data subject rights such as the right to access and the right to be forgotten. These features not only fosters transparency but also ensures that organizations respect and uphold the privacy rights of individuals as mandated by GDPR.

Help your Contact Center migrate to the Cloud

With uPlayback, you can say goodbye to legacy recording systems and embrace the future of cloud technology with ease. uPlayback simplifies the migration process by providing a unified portal for accessing past and present recordings. This user-friendly platform enables users to effortlessly access all recordings in one central location, while IT teams can efficiently manage retention policies and compliance requirements in a single place.

Unlock data portability for the past, present and future

Storing voice conversations in compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards can be a daunting task. Confidential information is often discussed during these conversations, making it crucial for organizations to securely store and quickly access voice recordings for compliance purposes. By securely storing and accurately indexing voice recordings, organizations can ensure they comply with regulatory requirements while enhancing their customer service interactions.